Sunday, February 27, 2011

At a time when the stars come out winners with gold-plated statue, is keen for the donation of the Oscar losers Group expensive gifts, so everyone comes out a winner on the night promised. 

And used Oscar Academy - At the height of extravagant concerts - to distribute the gifts to the stars were the losers, each about 100 thousand dollars, but with the global crisis of economic decline in the level of gifts during the past years, the stars and felt that the acceptance of gifts luxury hurt their image in front of their fans. 

As did many of the concerts associated with the Oscar over the past years on the distribution of "gift bags" for the artists involved. 

With growing signs the U.S. economy and the return to normal, re-academic tradition this year by the annual awards valuable again, according to the newspaper "Daily Mail" Britain February 27, 2011. 

It is these gifts tours to the Maldives, stays in luxury hotels, the clothes of famous fashion houses and jewelry valued at 60 thousand dollars apiece. 

And revives the Oscars which will be held in the theater, "Kodak" the famous Los Angeles hotel in the city located on the west coast of the United States, and Suites hotels were filled last week with senior stars who occupied the room in preparation for the night promised today February 27, 2011. 

Deliberately and hotels, which are filled with stars, the exploitation of indirect advertising through the distribution of gifts, to be promoted by the artists in front of the camera lens. 

It was one of the hotels throw a party where distributed to the audience several gifts, including trips to the islands of the Caribbean $ 5 thousand dollars, and the establishment of a period of 7 days in the tourist resort of the State of Zanzibar $ 25 thousand dollars, in addition to diamond jewelry and handbags luxury. 

The hotel manager said that he appreciated the value of the publicity provided by the stars once wearing a product, so he felt that the purchase of these gifts of the stars generate financial returns than has been spent. 

However, the IRS keep vigilant eye on the gifts received by the stars, as the tax imposed on them for any gift that exceeds $ 500. 

Although these gifts given to stars at a reduced price, but that the IRS forcing them to pay the tax as stated on the product price in the market


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