Wednesday, December 22, 2010
Made the American star Jennifer Lopez -41 years old - a lawsuit before the California court to prevent her ex-husband Ojani Noa from publishing pornographic video was filmed during the period

of their marriage in 1997.

The ex-husband Noa Cuban immigrant who served as cooking and fashion shows, has announced his intention of marketing the video footage to bring them in very specific period during which their marriage did not last more than 11 months, according to the newspaper "Daily Mail" the British.

According to Lopez in the documents submitted to the court that they appear in the film naked, as it comes an exciting and shameful acts, which calls for maintaining the confidentiality of the film.

Said Ed Meyer, the agent of the former spouse to Lopez, this film is the latest addition to the home recordings found NOAA, which amounted to a total duration of 21 hours of nudity, adding that he always found video forgot it in his possession.

Although the video does not contain scenes of full citizenship, it may constitute a serious embarrassment Lopez married Marc Anthony is currently the star, and has two children, twins than in the second aged; two: either to Max.

The star has got by on the rule for the return of personal belongings with her ex-husband, and the prohibition of exploitation by him, but Meyer said: "It is necessary to point out that NOAA has filmed Lopez in the film after its approval to that completely."

On the other hand, strongly opposed Lopez publication of this video, saying it is a very personal, accusing both of NOAA and the Mayer of violating the ban which is preventing any of the radio Qtadtha own.

The ongoing battle between the star and her ex-husband is the latest in a series of conflicts that erupt on the NOAA's continuing attempts to profit from its relationship with Latin asterisk.

The Lopez four years ago to sue him to prevent him from publishing a book that lists the details of their married life short, under the title "How I got married to Jennifer Lopez?" Story J-Lo with Ojani Noa, in addition to footage previously unpublished recordings of the household.

In 2007, the arbitrator appointed by the court injunction preventing Noa from anything that would criticize or discredit the singer or underestimated.

Lopez and won compensation of $ 545 thousand dollars, NOAA has been obliged to hand over everything in his possession or display of written material relevant to his book which was published about their wedding plans.

In 2009, Lopez sue him again, accusing him of violating her privacy and breach of their contract which is not to publish the above-mentioned film.

Lopez's richest star in Hollywood, coming from Hispanic, according to the magazine "Forbes". In addition to its famous art, they are active in the field of human rights and a preventive vaccine to combat epidemics, and they look after the Los Angeles hospital for children.


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