Monday, January 24, 2011 

Said the former rap singer, the American known then as the "Napoleon": it despite its widespread fame, and money earned through his work in the artistic field, but it did not find true happiness only through the Islamic religion.

The Habbiz, who converted to Islam nine years ago and became known as Mota Yassin Habbiz - in the wake of his participation in the Conference (Muslims in the Netherlands) - It is such as converting to Islam was looking for true happiness; as it was believed that the pleasure worldly will bring him happiness, to that of God with guidance and convert to Islam.

Habbiz and called on Muslims to follow the teachings of their religion, asserting that "those who follow this religion will feel great pride and self-respect for himself."

With regard to the information campaign espoused by some to distort the image of Islam Mota said: "to be a Muslim to show the good image of the religion through his behavior in front of the other in order to make an example".

He went on singer, who retired from singing since he entered Islam, saying: "We have to face the Western media and to address the minds of the recipients in Western countries, and to show the true image of Islam," which adopted Habbiz, who lives in Saudi Arabia and take a starting point for an invitation to Islam around the world.

Habbiz sermon delivered at the conference in front of a thousand people from the Muslim youth, encouraging them to "stay away from pleasures of the world, which is forbidden by the rights away from the Lord, and anathema to the true meaning of happiness."

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